Welcome to Mt. Zion Missionary Baptist Church in Altoona Pennsylvania. We thank God that you have chosen to visit our site. Mt. Zion is a loving congregation who LOVES praising the Lord, and has a rich history having been in existence for 151 years!
Mt. Zion is getting busier with all the programs we have planned for you and to God’s Glory. Prayer Line is on Tuesday and Bible Study every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. Join me as we learn more about God's will in our lives!
In addition, let’s not forget praising God at our morning services each Sunday at 10:45 am, Psalm 34: 3 says; Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt His name together.
As you spend time on our site, it is our prayer that you will find a ministry, an event or an interest in our information that will touch your heart and encourage you to praise and worship with us!
Thank you for visiting the Mt Zion Missionary Baptist Church website. Through continual worship, fellowship, Missions, Christian education, and ministering we are seeking to win souls for Jesus Christ.
In Christian Love!
The Reverend Keith R. Moore, MA., Pastor.