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Mount Zion Missionary     Baptist Church, Altoona, PA.

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Mount Zion Altoona.

About Us 

Mount Zion since 1873

 Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church



Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church has been blessed to serve the people of  Altoona since 1839 when the African Americans were given a school house as a place of worship. There were no further records of their progress until 1873. 

In 1873, Rev. William Codville was the pastor of the (white) First Baptist Church.  Under his pastorate, the Mount Zion Second Baptist church was founded.

Mount Zion was a store front building located on 17th street between 10th and 11th Ave.  Then moved to 5th Ave. and 22nd St. which was purchased in 1889 at the cost of $1,200.00.

Mt. Zion was one of the stations of the Underground Railroad that enabled slaves to escape to freedom.  The room adjacent to our choir loft was used as a shelter.   This door was hidden behind a large dresser.

The initial Head Start of Blair County was started at Mount Zion by        Rev.  Charles Hickerson and his wife Delores. 

On November 1947, using an 11 month plan, formulated by Rev. William Fambro. $4,274.64 was raised to clear the congregation of a 20 year debt.  Rev. Delta Alpha Terry, a former pastor returned as a guest speaker.  He chose the subject “The people had a mind to work” Nehemiah 4: 1-10. 

Bible study classes, retreats, seasonal revivals, pastoral visits, pre-marital counseling, ordination studies for clergy and the diaconate ministry were started by our former pastor Rev. Dr. Calvin Edmonds who retired in 2011. 

Mt. Zion is an active member of a group of multi-faith churches known as the Sixth-Ward Ministry.  We participated in many spiritual, social and community events. 

Globally, we extended our missionary work to Haiti and Kenya.  We sponsored the orphanage – “Life is Wealth” and gave financial aid to pupils. 

In the community Mount Zion sponsors our Thrift shop; free clothes are available 3-4 times a year to the community. We support Meals on Wheels, Community Action, The Food Bank and the Salvation Army. Our members support them financially in addition to volunteering their time.   In addition, we are fully immersed in the NAACP, prison, addiction and youth ministries. 

Since his installation in 2014, based on our mission statement to go into the community to share the word of God, our Pastor, Reverend Keith R. Moore has introduced Christmas day and Sunrise services, community health fairs, feeding the homeless, Taking Control Scholarship Program for all youth age 11-18, fundraisers to support the upkeep of the church, In addition to our re-introduction to the Central Baptist Association and American Baptist Churches of Pennsylvania & Delaware and continuous hospital and home visit ministry. 

Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church of Altoona PA. is the oldest African-American Baptist church in continuous operation in Blair County and is one of the oldest in Pennsylvania.                                            To God be the Glory and all the Honor!